As revised by the Executive Board, March 2022
With respect to this document, whenever the singular or plural number or masculine or feminine or neuter gender is used herein it shall equally include the others as the context may require.
With respect to this document, whenever the singular or plural number or masculine or feminine or neuter gender is used herein it shall equally include the others as the context may require.
The name of this organization will be the Okaloosa County Republican Executive Committee (OCREC). It shall be constituted as the Republican Executive Committee of the Republican Party within Okaloosa County, Florida, in accordance with the applicable statutes in Florida and the Party Rules of the Florida Republican State Executive Committee.
General purposes of this organization as a “political party” are to achieve the following
objectives and aims:
(a) Election to office of qualified Republican persons;
(b) Foster loyalty to the Republican Party;
(c) Promote an informed electorate through political education;
(d) Increase Republican Registration;
(e) Seek qualified Republicans to become candidates for local, county, state and federal offices;
(f) Promote the election of all Republican candidates in the General Election;
(g) In general to uphold the principles of freedom, equality and justice on which the Republican Party and the government of this nation is founded, as set forth in the Constitution of the United States and the state of Florida.
objectives and aims:
(a) Election to office of qualified Republican persons;
(b) Foster loyalty to the Republican Party;
(c) Promote an informed electorate through political education;
(d) Increase Republican Registration;
(e) Seek qualified Republicans to become candidates for local, county, state and federal offices;
(f) Promote the election of all Republican candidates in the General Election;
(g) In general to uphold the principles of freedom, equality and justice on which the Republican Party and the government of this nation is founded, as set forth in the Constitution of the United States and the state of Florida.
The County Executive Committee shall consist of one man and one woman, each being a registered Republican residing within each precinct. However, any precinct with more the 1000 registered voters shall have additional members in accordance with the provisions of the Rules of Procedure of the Republican Party of Florida.
Pursuant to the State Party Constitution, the state committeeman and state committeewoman shall be voting members at large of the County Executive Committee for all purposes including the election of officers at the organizational meeting. In addition, pursuant to F.S. 103.091(6)(a)1, each county executive committee shall include all members of the State Legislature who are residents of the county and members of their respective political party and who shall be known as at-large committeemen and committeewomen. Each member of the committee shall be entitled to one (1) vote.
DISTRICT UNITS - In Counties divided into 40 or more continuous precincts, the State Executive Committee may adopt a district unit of representation for such County Executive Committees. Upon adoption of a district unit of representation, the State Executive Committee shall request the supervisor of elections of the county, with approval of the Board of Commissioners, to provide for an appropriate number of election districts as nearly equal in number to registered voters as possible. Where the district unit of representation has been adopted, district representatives shall be elected in the same manner as precinct committeeman and committeewoman, and shall serve in place of precinct men and women.
VACANCIES - In the event no county committeeman or committeewoman is elected or a vacancy occurs for any other cause in the County Executive Committee, the vacancy shall be filled by a majority vote of those present at a regular or special meeting of the County Executive Committee at which due notice of the meeting has been given to all members and at which a quorum is present. Such vacancy shall be filled by a qualified member of the political party residing in the precinct where the vacancy occurred and for the unexpired portion of the term and shall not be deemed a member until the name has been duly recorded with the supervisor of elections by the Chairman of the County Executive Committee or his designee and the candidate oath has been filed as required under Article III Section 5 of this Model Constitution.
No candidate for a vacancy on the committee who meets the registration and residence requirements and follows the rules of procedure prescribed for filling a vacancy can be rejected for consideration by a membership committee, board, or officer of the County Executive Committee. All such candidates must be voted upon by the County Executive Committee.
If a county committeeman or committeewoman moves from one precinct or district to another within the same county, and the new precinct or district has a vacancy, then the committeeman or committeewoman may be administratively moved to the new precinct or district without the requirement of an election as set forth above.
In the event of no election of a county committeeman or committeewoman, or where such vacancy is not filled by the County Executive Committee as herein provided, the Chairman of the State Executive Committee of the party may fill such vacancy by appointment, after giving sixty (60) days notice of his intention to do so to the County Chairman by registered mail.
The Chairman of the County Executive Committee, or his or her designee, shall file with the State Executive Committee and the Supervisor of Elections, the names and addresses of its officers and member within thirty (30) days of their election. A County Executive Committee member shall not be deemed a member until the candidate oath (pursuant to F.S. 99.021) has been signed and filed in the office of the Supervisor of Elections and the Republican Party loyalty oath (pursuant to Rule 9) has been filed with the Chairman of the County Executive Committee, who shall cause the original Party loyalty oath to be forwarded to the Republican Party of Florida within thirty (30) days. After the organizational meeting required under Article IV of this Model Constitution, the list maintained by the State Executive Committee, as supplemented monthly, shall constitute the official County Executive Committee membership roster.
Members elected by the County Executive Committee shall file their Party loyalty oath with the Chairman of the County Executive Committee, and the County Chairman, or his or her designee shall forward the original signed oath to the Republican Party of Florida as required under Section 5 above. The oath or affirmation may be witnessed rather than notarized.
Each elected precinct committee person may have a likewise elected alternate county committee member. Alternate members shall have no vote, except in the absence of the member they duly represent. Each alternate member shall possess the qualification required of the member represented and shall be elected by the county committee. Alternate county committee members are not eligible to serve as elected officers on the County Executive Board except in counties with less than 750 registered Republicans, unless this rule is waived by the State Executive Board.
COUNTY EXECUTIVE BOARD - Each county Executive Committee shall establish an Executive Board, whose membership shall include, but not be limited to, the elected officers of the County Executive Committee, the State Committeeman and the State Committeewoman. The County Chairman may appoint a General Counsel to serve as a nonvoting member of the County Executive Board.
The Executive Board shall have general supervision of the affairs of the County Executive Committee between its meetings, make recommendations to the County Executive Committee, and shall perform such other duties as may be specified by Party Rules. The Board shall be subject to the orders of the County Executive Committee, and none of its acts shall conflict with action taken by the County Executive Committee.
Meetings of the Executive Board shall be called by the Chairman. Special meetings of the Board may be called by the Chairman or upon the written request by a majority of the members of the Board.
The outgoing chairman of the Republican County Executive Committee shall, within thirty (30) days after the committee members take office (December 1), call an organizational meeting for the purpose of electing officers. It shall be the responsibility of the outgoing chairman to open the meeting, and the first order of business shall be the election of the chairman an-d vice-chairman as set forth in the rules and bylaws as promulgated by the State Executive Committee. Thereafter, the new chairman shall preside, and the agenda shall include, but not limited to, the election of a secretary and a treasurer, the filing of any vacancies on the committee, and any other business which may appropriately come before the committee.
The above officers shall be members of the County Executive Committee, and all county party officers shall be elected for a two year term until the next organizational meeting. At the conclusion of each two year term officers shall be elected in the same manner as is required at the organizational meeting. Officer elections held at the organizational meetings are final and are not subject to recall.
The Chairman shall appoint, with the approval of the full committee at a meeting at which a quorum is present, such standing sub-committees, their chairmen and such other officers as may be required in the administration of the county committee’s business, as long as their functions do not violate any of the provisions of the constitution, bylaws or the applicable Florida laws. The Chairman shall be considered an ex-officio member of all standing committees appointed. Other ad hoc committees and their chairmen may be appointed by the Chairman without approval of the County Executive Committee.
The election of officers and filling of vacancies shall be by ballot. In the event there is but one nomination for any officer or office, the ballot may be dispensed with by unanimous vote of the membership present and eligible to vote. All nominations shall be from the floor. No ballot shall be preprinted with the name of any candidate.
The presiding officer at all meetings shall be the county chairman, and in the absence of the chairman, the vice-chairman, secretary or treasurer, in that order, shall preside. If none of the said officers are present, the membership, by a majority vote, shall name the presiding officer.
In the event the county chairman is unable to continue his duties the vice chairman, secretary or treasurer, in that order, temporarily assumes the duties of the chairman and must within 60 days hold an election for the purpose of filling the vacancy. All vacancies shall be filled by the majority vote of a quorum present at the duly called meeting of the County Executive Committee.
A person may hold only one position as a county chairman or a state committeeman or state committeewoman, except in counties with less than 750 registered Republicans, unless this rule is waived by the State Executive Board.
Any member or officer of the County Executive Committee may be removed from office upon a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the membership of the County Executive Committee present at any regular or special meeting after ten (10) days notice to the membership of the County Executive Committee that a motion for the purpose of removal of a member or officer will be considered at a said meeting, provided that such two-thirds vote constitutes at least a majority of the full County Executive Committee. The removal may be for any cause, including, but not limited to, an alleged violation of oath of office. However, any person wrongfully removed for violation of oath of office may qualify for reinstatement and reimbursement, including attorney fees as provided under Florida Statute 103.141. Removal shall be valid through the end of the respective member’s term of office.
The member and/or officer cited with removal charges shall be served by certified mail at least ten (10) days prior to said regular or special meeting at which time the removal motion is to be heard with a complaint which shall set forth in particular the reasons for the removal charge.
Every political party office of the county committee shall be deemed vacant in the following cases:
(a) by the death of the incumbent;
(b) by his or her resignation;
(c) by his or her removal as set forth above in section 1;
(d) by his or her ceasing to be a resident of the county, district or precinct for which he shall have been elected or appointed;
(e) by his or her refusal to accept the office;
(f) the conviction of the incumbent of any felony;
(g) by his or her failure to attend, without good and sufficient reason, three (3) consecutive regular meetings of the County Executive Committee of which he or she is a member.
Removal for Non-Attendance at County Executive Committee Meetings
(a) A county executive committee member who is absent for three (3) consecutive regular meetings without a valid excused absence shall be removed from the County Executive Committee as of the date of the third consecutive missed meeting.
(b) Prior to missing such third consecutive meeting, any member may request, in writing, that an absence be excused indicating the reason for such absence. A vote on excused absence requests shall occur at every REC meeting for those members making requests for that meeting. Excused absences may be granted by the membership of the County Executive Committee by a majority vote of the County Executive Committee at which a quorum is present. Once granted the excused absence, that committee member shall be treated as present only for the purpose of meeting the committee member’s individual attendance requirements. Authorization to grant such excused absences may not be delegated by the County Executive Committee; except upon the affirmative vote of two-thirds (2/3) of the members of the County Executive Committee present and voting at a regularly called meeting thereof; Provided always, that such delegation of authority may be rescinded at any time upon the majority vote of the County Executive Committee or by the action of the Chairman of the Republican Party of Florida.
Forty percent of the members of the County Executive Committee shall be present to constitute a quorum including those members deemed present under section 3. At no time shall less than 40 percent of the members constitute a quorum.
There shall be no use of proxies at county executive committees.
Attendance by Video Conference
Elected officials unable to attend a County Executive Committee meeting due to the conduct of official business in connection with public office may attend by video conference, subject to the following conditions:
(a) The Chairman must be notified at least 3 days before the meeting of the intent to attend by video conference;
(b) The video conference technology to be used is within the discretion of the Chairman;
(c) If bandwidth or other technological limitations do not permit video conferencing, non-video conferencing may be used in the discretion of the Chairman.
When attendance by conference is authorized, any member so appearing shall be deemed present for all purposes and shall be entitled to participate and vote on all matters coming before the County Executive Committee.
1. To adopt a constitution by two-thirds (2/3) vote of the full committee. County constitutions shall be reviewed and adopted at the beginning of each four year term. If a County Executive Committee fails to adopt and file with the Republican Party of Florida a County Constitution that is not in conflict with (a) Florida Statutes, or (b) the Constitution of the Republican Party of Florida, or (c) the Rules of Procedure of the Republican Party of Florida or (d) this County Model Constitution, the County Model Constitution herein presented shall prevail. The adopted Constitution shall be in effect for the members’ four year term of office unless revised.
2. To adopt such bylaws as they may deem necessary by majority vote of the full committee. Such By-laws may not be in conflict with Florida Statutes, the RPOF Constitution, the RPOF Rules of Procedure, or the Model County Constitution.
0. To conduct regularly scheduled meetings as required under this constitution. Special meetings may be called by the Chairman, Vice Chairman or upon signed petition of 20% of the membership of the County Executive Committee, provided there is written notice of ten (10) days given to all members of the County Executive Committee and the subject of the special meeting is announced in the notice. Any petition to call a special meeting must identify the date and subject of the proposed special meeting, and the subject of the proposed special meeting must be within the authority of the Executive Committee. A copy of the signed petition shall be submitted to all members of the County Executive Committee in conjunction with the notice for the meeting. A quorum for such meeting is required.
3. To make party nominations when required by law.
4. To conduct campaigns for Republican state or local candidates selected by the party at the final primary election.
5. To raise and expend party funds for the maintenance and administration of the county party organization. However, that no funds may be spent by a committee except for bona fide services or material rendered to and received by the committee for the advancement of the party organization.
6. To approve the necessary subcommittees.
7. The chairman and treasurer of a County Executive Committee shall be accountable for the funds of such committee and jointly liable for their proper expenditure of authorized purposes only. All financial transactions shall require two authorized signatures. They shall furnish adequate bond, but not less than Five Thousand ($5,000) Dollars, conditioned in effect upon the faithful performance by such party officer of this duty and for this faithful accounting for party funds. Bonds for chairman and treasurer of the County Executive committee shall be filed with the county supervisor of elections. The treasurer of the county executive committee shall maintain accurate records evidencing receipt and disbursement of all party funds received by the party, and such records shall be publicly audited at the end of each calendar year and a copy of such audit filed with the supervisor of elections and the State Executive Committee prior to April 1st of the ensuing year.
9. The chairman of each county Executive Committee shall, within thirty (30) days following each regular or special meeting of the committee, furnish the State Executive Committee of the Republican Party a copy of the minutes of such meeting, along with a report showing the record of attendance of the meeting and any action taken by the committee to excuse the absences of its membership.
0. The chairman of the County Executive Committee shall furnish the State Executive Committee, within thirty (30) days of filing, a copy of the cover sheet report of contributions and expenditures required by F.S. 106.29.
10. Each County Executive Committee shall annually appoint an audit committee from among its members. The Audit committee shall perform an audit of the financial affairs of such County Executive Committee and cause the same to be made public.
11. To adopt resolutions of the Republican Executive Committee in the manner prescribed by this Section:
A. Resolutions with Prior Notice
Any proposed resolution shall be submitted in writing to the Chairman of the Republican Executive Committee at least 15 days before the meeting of the Republican Executive Committee at which the resolution is to be considered. The proposed resolution shall be referred to the County Executive Board for a review of its form based on its clarity, understandability, use of plain language, content and subject matter. Upon a two-thirds vote of the County Executive Board, the proposed resolution shall be placed on the agenda for the next meeting of the Republican Executive Committee.
B. Untimely Resolutions
Any proposed resolution not timely submitted under paragraph (A) may only be considered under emergency or extraordinary circumstances and if it is received at least 24 hours before the Republican Executive Committee meeting. The determination of emergency or extraordinary circumstances shall be in discretion of the Chairman of the Republican Executive Committee or a two-thirds vote of the County Executive Board. If approved for consideration by the County Executive Board, it shall be subject to the same process described in paragraph (A) for Resolutions with Prior Notice.
C. Required Vote for Passage
Passage of any proposed resolution by the Republican Executive Committee shall require a two-thirds vote of a quorum present.
2. To adopt such bylaws as they may deem necessary by majority vote of the full committee. Such By-laws may not be in conflict with Florida Statutes, the RPOF Constitution, the RPOF Rules of Procedure, or the Model County Constitution.
0. To conduct regularly scheduled meetings as required under this constitution. Special meetings may be called by the Chairman, Vice Chairman or upon signed petition of 20% of the membership of the County Executive Committee, provided there is written notice of ten (10) days given to all members of the County Executive Committee and the subject of the special meeting is announced in the notice. Any petition to call a special meeting must identify the date and subject of the proposed special meeting, and the subject of the proposed special meeting must be within the authority of the Executive Committee. A copy of the signed petition shall be submitted to all members of the County Executive Committee in conjunction with the notice for the meeting. A quorum for such meeting is required.
3. To make party nominations when required by law.
4. To conduct campaigns for Republican state or local candidates selected by the party at the final primary election.
5. To raise and expend party funds for the maintenance and administration of the county party organization. However, that no funds may be spent by a committee except for bona fide services or material rendered to and received by the committee for the advancement of the party organization.
6. To approve the necessary subcommittees.
7. The chairman and treasurer of a County Executive Committee shall be accountable for the funds of such committee and jointly liable for their proper expenditure of authorized purposes only. All financial transactions shall require two authorized signatures. They shall furnish adequate bond, but not less than Five Thousand ($5,000) Dollars, conditioned in effect upon the faithful performance by such party officer of this duty and for this faithful accounting for party funds. Bonds for chairman and treasurer of the County Executive committee shall be filed with the county supervisor of elections. The treasurer of the county executive committee shall maintain accurate records evidencing receipt and disbursement of all party funds received by the party, and such records shall be publicly audited at the end of each calendar year and a copy of such audit filed with the supervisor of elections and the State Executive Committee prior to April 1st of the ensuing year.
9. The chairman of each county Executive Committee shall, within thirty (30) days following each regular or special meeting of the committee, furnish the State Executive Committee of the Republican Party a copy of the minutes of such meeting, along with a report showing the record of attendance of the meeting and any action taken by the committee to excuse the absences of its membership.
0. The chairman of the County Executive Committee shall furnish the State Executive Committee, within thirty (30) days of filing, a copy of the cover sheet report of contributions and expenditures required by F.S. 106.29.
10. Each County Executive Committee shall annually appoint an audit committee from among its members. The Audit committee shall perform an audit of the financial affairs of such County Executive Committee and cause the same to be made public.
11. To adopt resolutions of the Republican Executive Committee in the manner prescribed by this Section:
A. Resolutions with Prior Notice
Any proposed resolution shall be submitted in writing to the Chairman of the Republican Executive Committee at least 15 days before the meeting of the Republican Executive Committee at which the resolution is to be considered. The proposed resolution shall be referred to the County Executive Board for a review of its form based on its clarity, understandability, use of plain language, content and subject matter. Upon a two-thirds vote of the County Executive Board, the proposed resolution shall be placed on the agenda for the next meeting of the Republican Executive Committee.
B. Untimely Resolutions
Any proposed resolution not timely submitted under paragraph (A) may only be considered under emergency or extraordinary circumstances and if it is received at least 24 hours before the Republican Executive Committee meeting. The determination of emergency or extraordinary circumstances shall be in discretion of the Chairman of the Republican Executive Committee or a two-thirds vote of the County Executive Board. If approved for consideration by the County Executive Board, it shall be subject to the same process described in paragraph (A) for Resolutions with Prior Notice.
C. Required Vote for Passage
Passage of any proposed resolution by the Republican Executive Committee shall require a two-thirds vote of a quorum present.
Unless otherwise indicated in this Constitution, the bylaws of this County Executive Committee, the Rules of Procedure of the Republican Party of Florida, or the Constitution of the Republican Party of Florida, all required notices may be provided by e-mail, unless a member has indicated in writing to the Chairman and/or Secretary that they would prefer to receive notice by U.S. mail. Once a member has made such an indication it is good until such time as the member indicates otherwise. Notice sent by U.S. mail shall be deemed provided on the date postmarked. To the extent such notice applies to a special meeting all required documentation pursuant to Article VII shall be attached to the e-mail notification. If a member challenges the sufficiency of an e-mail notification, the Secretary shall provide proof to the member that the notice was timely provided.
Any amendments to this constitution shall be adopted by no less than two-thirds (2/3) of the
members of the full committee, upon 10 days notice of the purpose of the meeting.
members of the full committee, upon 10 days notice of the purpose of the meeting.
The latest revision of “Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised” shall be constituted as the authority governing the rules of procedure, except as otherwise limited by the laws of the State of Florida, the Rules of Procedure of the Republican Party of Florida, and the Constitution of The Republican Party of Florida and the constitution and the bylaws duly adopted by this organization.
Rules of procedure as to the establishment of an Executive Board, number of committee meetings, not less than six each calendar year including one each quarter, and any other activities of the committee not in conflict with the State Executive Committee’s rules, this model constitution and applicable state statutes shall be adopted by a majority vote of the full committee.
Final authority in all Republican Party matters and in the Party organization and/or government not specifically otherwise delegated by Florida Statutes shall vest in the Republican State Executive Committee, but may be delegated by the Republican State Executive Committee to the county committee in such manner and to such boards and/or committees as it shall from time to time determine by State Party Rule.